Sunday 4 March 2012

Where did Yeshûa’s Gnosis come from? (#13)

Continued research for a historical novel: Peter and Paul

Unfortunately for the so-called ‘believers’, unlike all the gods of the past (Krishna, Osiris, Zeus, Jupiter, et al.), Yeshûa was not born omniscient.
In Luke 2:52, the evangelist states that: “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” Surely such a process of amelioration is hardly necessary for a god.
In my book Yeshûa – Personal Memoir of the Missing Years of Jesus, I attempted to show how Yeshûa, the apostles’ mentor, acquired his knowledge. It took him 18 years of hard work to prepare himself for his mission. Not many people, of whatever profession, are willing to spend such length of time to acquire their knowledge. In addition to external sources (books, teachers, universities), there are two principle sources from which we can draw information.
First, our subconscious, which supplies us with the knowledge acquired over, perhaps, millions of years of our physical or material existence.
And then there is the other source, which many tend to ignore. I’m talking about our unconscious. This latter source seems to give us access to ideas not previously experienced. Carl Jung’s archetypes of collective unconscious? We can but speculate.
But how can we access this Source? They say that few years of meditation (or contemplation) will show us. It took Yeshûa just eighteen short years. I suspect this is the Gnosis Yeshûa was trying to impart to his disciples. It couldn’t have been easy. 

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