Saturday 18 August 2012

The Mystery of the Subconscious

Our physical body is a direct consequence of knowledge (memories) stored in our subconscious. To put it simply, if we think ‘sick’ long enough, put enough emotion into those thoughts, and encode that thought into our subconscious, we shall get sick. Alternatively, we can tie ourselves emotionally to an idea, good or bad, and watch the consequences develop. We make up what we are.
The good news is that we have the power to realign our memories to correct most, if not all at once, negative inputs with which we may have been born. Your body is made up of between 50 and 100 trillion cells. In addition, we are hosts to 10 times as many viruses and other microorganisms. If you can control the comings and goings of that crowd, you are a better man/woman than I. Hence, the subconscious.
Nevertheless, there are ample examples of how we differ from the physical body we have created. A person who lost a leg, or an arm, or for that matter a loved one, such loss is manifested only in the physical reality. In his or her dreams their body is whole, the loved on is very much alive, and often carries traits much improved from those they displayed while in physical form. Parenthetically, a phantom limb is another good example of this. Basically, in our subconscious we remain whole.[1]
Unless we decide otherwise.
Unless we imbed in our subconscious such infirmities, or losses, so deep that, those deficiencies are experienced in the reality that our subconscious displays. At least for a while.
The ancients Hebrews called the subconscious ‘soul’. At least, that is how the various religions translated the Old Testament word nephesh. As so often with scribes, a lot was lost in the translation. Nephesh is ‘animal soul’, meaning neither more nor less than the subconscious, which we, humans, share with most animals. Certainly with e.g. all mammals, certainly dolphins, and all other fauna which displays conscious ability to remember. After all, as I’d stated many times before, our subconscious is little more than memory storage. Dreams, in turn, are the foretaste of our true, much more permanent reality, the religionists refer to as heaven.
The real you, or I, or anyone, is the immortal, indestructible, unchanging individualization of the Omnipresent Consciousness. It is, as we all know, the I AM. It is the true Self, which enjoys the incredible riches that our subconscious has accumulated over the infinity of time.
Aren’t we lucky?

[1] Please, forgive my bluntness, but neurologists’ attempts at the explanation of these phenomena sound more like mumbo-jumbo than most of what various theologians came up with in their peregrinations.

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