Tuesday 18 December 2012


Soon, very soon, we shall celebrate the feast commemorating Yeshûa’s birth. He wasn’t born on December 25th, of course, but tradition will lead us to enjoy this date with expectation of joy.
The strangest thing is that, as far as one can gather, Yeshûa didn’t come to create any religion. Like all the other Hebrew prophets of the past, he’d “come”, or chosen as his mission, to steer his people, the Jews, back on the path from which they have strayed. Just like the Christians today.
Prophet Isaiah (9:6) probably said it best. For unto us a child is born… My Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism offers this meaning veiled in the biblical symbolic idiom:

“For I feel the onset of a New Consciousness within me, a new awareness of the Divine Presence: and to It I submit control over the totality of being: for I know that Its nature is filled with a great wonder, that It will counsel me in all my endeavors, that there are no limits to Its awesome power, that It shall be the Source of my creation, while ever maintaining Divine Peace of my being.”

Not many people interpret Isaiah’s words in this way. Indeed, in spite of the prophet’s words, they choose to ignore their essence, and continue to externalize the source of the power, the inspiration, the source of all their attributes that, surely, reside within them.
Attributes that reside within us.
All of us.
No wonder. It took Yeshûa some 18 years to learn and understand their meaning. Eighteen years conspicuously hidden from any mention in the Bible, except for one statement in Luke 2:52: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”
This single reference states that Yeshûa (Jesus’ real name) was not ‘born’ with some incredible—not to mention—divine powers, but he “increased in wisdom and stature” over the years. It alludes to the 18 years of arduous studies, of research, of knocking on the doors of wisdom, until they swung opened for him. And, it seems, only when he discovered the meaning of Isaiah’s words, and delegated all the decisions to the higher consciousness he recognized within himself, he said: “I and my father are one”.
Although, at the time, this last statement attributed to Yeshûa had been considered blasphemy—as it would be now—the same statement is true of you and me, and every person who becomes, as Buddha would say, awakened to his or her true nature.
Just how Yeshûa reached this wisdom and “gained favour with God and man” you can see in my book “Yeshûa—Personal Memoir of the Missing Years of Jesus.” There may have been other ways, indeed thousands of them. But one thing is certain. He studied and searched and knocked on every door, which offered hope for enlightenment, until he found it.
The moral? If you don’t find divinity within yourself, you most certainly will not find it outside.
Perhaps we ought to follow in his footsteps. 

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