Monday 22 April 2013

The absurd Power of the Subconscious

In my new novel, the Pluto Effect, Book Two of the Aquarius Trilogy, I discuss the ramifications of the subconscious.
Hypnosis comes into the picture.
The only way we can overcome the incredible power of that which has been tried and experienced in order to try something new, we must either have a will that Evelyn Monahan described as the most powerful force in the Universe, or have faith that can move mountains. The only other alternative, though only as a last resort, is hypnosis. We must program ourselves, our “reactive self”, not interfere and hold us back from attempting something new and untried.
As most of us rely on the subconscious to take us through most vicissitudes of our daily life, the more experienced we are the more likely we shall be to rely on the past events. Thus we tend to remain in the ‘being’ rather than in the ‘becoming’ mode.
To put it in yet another way, since the essence of life is change, in the reactive mode we are not fully alive. Or as Buddha put it, not fully awake. Yeshûa had a tougher term for that. He called such people dead.
So what is the purpose of life?
We are here, in this dualistic reality, for one purpose only: to enhance the quality of becoming, which would enable ourselves and others to cross new grounds and enrich our own and other peoples’ subconscious. The richer our storehouse of experience, the more aware we become of the necessity of the mode of becoming.
Gradually we grow to be aware that our being is essentially in our subconscious, and here, on earth, we are no more than passers by. Once we become aware of our infinite potential, at least theoretically, we’d not have to be born again. Alas, infinite seems to have an ever receding horizon.

Essentially, animals rely solely on the reactive mode. They also advance, accumulate new experience, but only due to unexpected events which come their way without their conscious participation. Hence, their possible advance is much slower. We, humans, are intended to try the new—the often dangerous—as a conscious effort and intent.
Nothing could be more reactive than some of our FB friends advocating the “be safe” dictum. The opposite is true. “Be adventurous”. “Cross new boundaries”. “Live dangerously”. Indeed, heaven is for the brave, not cowards.
Any person or organization, determined to protect the status quo, are destined to tread water on an eternal treadmill. They are stagnant. They will remain dead until a great misfortune will shake them into coming awake.

In my novel YESHÛA, a young lad, brought up by the Essenes, is a great example. He dared and paid for it. He also gained immortality. Shouldn’t we all at least try?

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