Sunday 13 October 2013

Kindergarten of the Earth

With our solar system being no more than 5 of some 13.8 billion years old that scientists claim the universe exists, it is hard to imagine that there wouldn’t be countless beings greatly more advanced than we are. If Darwin was right, and even if evolution advances at a snail’s pace, imagine how evolved we shall be in another 5 billion years.
Assuming, of course, that some bellicose maniac doesn’t press the red button that would blow us all up into smithereens first…
But assuming that we do survive the egos of our leaders, even such an evolutionary leap would still place us well behind others who had a billion-year start ahead of us.

Welcome to Universal Kindergarten.
That’s where we are—babes in arms of a benevolent universe. On occasion we display our tantrums. We indulge in World Wars, kill off some 20 million people, while other, more advanced races gaze at us and wonder…
We needn’t worry. We are not alone.
Such Kindergartens are spread throughout countless galaxies. Amongst the near infinite number of stars supporting habitable planets, the Universal Consciousness is continuously looking for means through which to express Itself and gather new experience. This is accomplished through the unique and as often-misunderstood concept of freewill. We, humans, do not enjoy freewill in the absolute sense. We are only capable of putting sufficient spanners in the works (more tantrums) to delay the inevitable that might, on occasion, result in unexpected consequences. The ultimate, or better-said lasting, results are always in the esoteric hands of the Infinite.
The cheering thought is that the Infinite and we are one. We are indivisible parts of the Single Consciousness, even of a single mind, which always did and always will search for new forms of expression. Even as a single drop is indivisible part of a mighty ocean yet can gather characteristics of its surroundings—it may splash on a nearby rock, or evaporate into the wild blue yonder—yet, sooner or later, it will return to its source.
Aren’t we lucky?

As for what happens to that which was already experienced, well, it’s anybody’s guess. One man found out while lying down in a coma. Not all comas are… bad? In a review of my book on Amazon, C.J. Good wrote that: "Now - Being & Becoming is an invaluable piece of literature." You might think so too. Try it. 

To write a review on Amazon and elsewhere of

while the offer stands

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