Monday 29 April 2013

Why is Life Valuable?

Since I keep insisting that we are all immortal, who cares if we live or die? Why don’t we just kill each other off, and restore this world to its previous glory? You know, like it was before Adam and Eve set it on the slow trek to eventual perdition? Many ‘great’ leaders tried to do so, albeit unsuccessfully. We multiply faster than they can kill us. Well, is there anyone willing to try?
I will. I am willing to try.
Unless we fulfill the reason for being here—our particular, individual reason—we shall continue to give an ongoing impersonation of Sisyphus. The Greeks knew that before Christianity or Buddhism were born. Sisyphus had been told to push a boulder uphill, and each time he was about to succeed, the boulder rolled backwards and he had to start again.
He was unlucky. He kept making the same mistake.
We are better of. In each life, and often in a single incarnation, we face problems we have decided to solve. But, contrary to Sisyphus, each time we fail, the problem gets a little harder. The boulder gets bigger. This inspires us to try harder.
Problems are not punishments—they are blessings, gifts from the benevolent Universe.

There is one other magnificent aspect to our life. Every painful experience on earth is transitory. I doesn’t last. On the other hand, when we fulfill our purpose, the victory becomes built into our unconscious forever. We never, never have to repeat it. Oh, there will be other boulders, but not the particular one that gave us such trouble.
There is no end of gifts. No matter how high we climb, how great challenges we overcome, there will be new once. Forever.
Because we are immortal. Ye are gods, remember?

Some time ago, I’ve written a trilogy, named the Winston Trilogy, which illustrated the gradual progress of a man, through many trials and tribulations, which he considered inexplicable punishments, for, he knew not what. It was only, in book three of the trilogy, in Winston’s Kingdom, he’d learned the truth. He was stunned, as you will be if you read my books. But… you’d wise to start at the beginning, with One Just Man.
I deal with human potential. With infinity. 

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Thursday 25 April 2013

Of Gods and Men

It all started in Egypt or perhaps elsewhere, before the oldest annals of history had been written, now lost in the shadows of antiquity. Then came Greece, then Rome, with China slipping somewhere in between. We have been always surrounded by gods. And when Yeshûa assured everyone that he could do nothing of himself, that he’s not good (“Why call me good? There is none good but one, that is, God”), they ignored his words. Those and many others. Instead, they made a god out of him. It seems that we, men, just cannot live without gods.
Then came great leaders we had been determined to adore. To worship? How else could anyone justify such crowds following an array of kings, Khans, Napoleons and other military leaders, Stalin, Hitler or Mao… unless people had been determined, at the time, to treat them as gods? No wonder those great leaders had been determined to stamp out religion. Gods don’t take kindly to competition.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me…?

There is only one choice remaining. We can either follow the established route of externalizing our gods, of putting them on pedestals, building for them altars or palaces, building them monuments, stick shining pieces of metal on their chests, or we can turn our back on them and look within.
Who knows what we might discover there? Few amongst us ever looked. Fewer still searched. Or listened? And those who have, those who discovered what lay within have been ignored like their predecessors.
…when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you…
Not go to splendid edifices called temples or churches and display our religiosity for all to see. Go away by yourself and shut the door.
But what will my neighbours say?
Our neighbours will either do the same, or they are some of the many that are called, but not among the few who are willing to listen to good advice from the man whom many call god. Not himself, but the many. The sheep that need someone to follow. Who need a god to worship, outside, with monuments and gold and glitter, and scarlet robes, and tiaras, and medals, and titles…
“Go into your room, by yourself, and shut the door behind you.” “Why do you not understand my speech?”
Will anyone ever listen? Understand?

There had been two men going through the same struggle some two thousand years ago. Many others are still struggling. The two men were called Peter and Paul. It was a long and painful struggle. Finally, they found their way. Now it’s our turn. 

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Monday 22 April 2013

The absurd Power of the Subconscious

In my new novel, the Pluto Effect, Book Two of the Aquarius Trilogy, I discuss the ramifications of the subconscious.
Hypnosis comes into the picture.
The only way we can overcome the incredible power of that which has been tried and experienced in order to try something new, we must either have a will that Evelyn Monahan described as the most powerful force in the Universe, or have faith that can move mountains. The only other alternative, though only as a last resort, is hypnosis. We must program ourselves, our “reactive self”, not interfere and hold us back from attempting something new and untried.
As most of us rely on the subconscious to take us through most vicissitudes of our daily life, the more experienced we are the more likely we shall be to rely on the past events. Thus we tend to remain in the ‘being’ rather than in the ‘becoming’ mode.
To put it in yet another way, since the essence of life is change, in the reactive mode we are not fully alive. Or as Buddha put it, not fully awake. Yeshûa had a tougher term for that. He called such people dead.
So what is the purpose of life?
We are here, in this dualistic reality, for one purpose only: to enhance the quality of becoming, which would enable ourselves and others to cross new grounds and enrich our own and other peoples’ subconscious. The richer our storehouse of experience, the more aware we become of the necessity of the mode of becoming.
Gradually we grow to be aware that our being is essentially in our subconscious, and here, on earth, we are no more than passers by. Once we become aware of our infinite potential, at least theoretically, we’d not have to be born again. Alas, infinite seems to have an ever receding horizon.

Essentially, animals rely solely on the reactive mode. They also advance, accumulate new experience, but only due to unexpected events which come their way without their conscious participation. Hence, their possible advance is much slower. We, humans, are intended to try the new—the often dangerous—as a conscious effort and intent.
Nothing could be more reactive than some of our FB friends advocating the “be safe” dictum. The opposite is true. “Be adventurous”. “Cross new boundaries”. “Live dangerously”. Indeed, heaven is for the brave, not cowards.
Any person or organization, determined to protect the status quo, are destined to tread water on an eternal treadmill. They are stagnant. They will remain dead until a great misfortune will shake them into coming awake.

In my novel YESHÛA, a young lad, brought up by the Essenes, is a great example. He dared and paid for it. He also gained immortality. Shouldn’t we all at least try?

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Friday 19 April 2013

It’s all Einstein’s Fault

Believe me, I am not a physicist. After reading this, every physicist will confirm this. Nor do I know too much about physics, molecular and otherwise. I read a dozen books and, well, they managed to confuse me.
About a year ago, I read that we are mostly empty space. A Ph.D in physics said so. Nevertheless, with some 50 to 100 trillion cells, each one made up of atoms, the energy trapped within all those atoms must be enormous. Gargantuan. Flabbergasting. In fact, it makes me nervous. I once reported that we hosts to bit over seven billion billion billion of them. That’s a figure 7 followed by 27 zeros.


Do you get my point?
And now think of a single gram. I read this on the Internet.

Energy in ergs = 1 gram x (30,000,000,000.0 cm/sec) x (30,000,000,000.0 cm/sec).
This equals 900,000,000,000,000,000,000.0 ergs of energy.…which is equal to the energy emitted by a 100 watt bulb (producing 100 x 10 million ergs/sec) for:
900,000,000,000,000,000,000.0/(100 x 10,000,000) = 900,000,000,000.0 seconds.

I make that equal to about 250,000,000 hours. Do your own math. Remember, that’s one a blob of mass equivalent to one gram. I weigh 90 kilograms. That’s 90,000 blobs. That’s (250,000,000 x 90,000) hours. I could keep the world illuminated till dooms day and then some.
Think about it: E=MC2. We all know that. But now invert the equation.  Mass x 186 miles per second x 186 miles per second = mass. Anyway you twist it, to get a single gram of mass takes an incredible amount of energy. Conversely, if you or I were not 99.99999999etc% empty space, only a real solid, like a black hole, should we explode, the galaxy in which we have our becoming would cease to exist.
You or I would be the origin of a big bang.
And how do you like that?

Look it up on the Internet.
The reason we must be “empty space” is that should our bodies me made up of atoms that are ‘solid’, and should their electric charge (positive protons and negative electrons) be pressed  closer together, and should we continue to generate some trillion electrochemical  reactions per second within our bodies, the  heat we’d generate would be just absurd. We would burn up ourselves and all that surrounds us. Pressure creates heat, and heat tends to expel energy. We would be walking galactic bombs destroying everything in our path.
Luckily, we are empty space.
Yes, that includes our heads. All this could be over your head. It certainly is over mine. Perhaps that is why I keep mine as empty as possible, like atoms, to have room for understanding. At the moment it is as the man has said. The universe is not only queerer that I can imagine, but it is queerer than I can imagine.

Little of it makes any sense. That is why I wrote DESLUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism. I kept it simple, for people such as I am. So if you are not much, much smarter than I am, you might enjoy it too. Try it. 

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Tuesday 16 April 2013


Pretty much everything happens as it should. We, endowed with a marginal freewill, stray from the straight and narrow, and the Universal Laws stubbornly bring us back on course. For some of us, it might take a few billion years or so yet, ultimately, we shall all meet our destiny. Whether we like it or not, and no matter how atheistic our convictions, we are all destined to become aware of, and then to learn the skills that define gods.
Strange though it might be, at present, we are no longer evolving spiritually, i.e. we are not developing the capacity of our consciousness, opting for strictly physical evolution with marginal mental and emotional appurtenances. All our efforts are directed at making our physical stay on Earth easier, more apathetic. Most people, should they win a million or two on a lottery, would stop working and become fulltime lay-abouts—that’s like gadabouts only without making the effort. We would pretend to be busy by being slightly generous towards those waiting to win or inherit the means for us doing nothing, and extending our lackadaisical largess to others. After we die, there would be no detectible sign that we ever lived. No lasting sign. No evidence that, having lived, the world, but for our presence, has become a better place.
And yet we are endowed with freewill. Or, perhaps, because of it? Perhaps gods in waiting are lazy.
There is but one saving grace. We are immortal. No matter how many lives we wasted, and continue to waste, there was a time, described by some as the Golden Age, the Satia Yuga, our stint in Eden, where we have anchored our individuality in deeds out of which the present reality came into being. Whether we like it or not, we are insipient gods, even if, at present, taking a protracted nap.

A mere 2000 years ago, one man thought otherwise. His name was Yeshûa. He may have shown us the way. See for yourself. 

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Sunday 14 April 2013

More about Miracles

There is no such thing as a miracle. There are only ways of regarding reality. In my blog dealing with Structure of Reality, I described the fourfold nature of man. For as long as we regard reality with our senses, we are stuck, irrevocably in the reality which responds to the observer who uses physical means to observe physical phenomena. Hence the scientists are usually stuck in the past in which the phenomena have already taken place, and all they can do is to observe the end of a creative process.
There are, of course, other ways of observing reality. One could say that every opus of any number of the great composers is a miracle. Yet the miraculous aspect of it is that it must be re-created here and now to give it reality. Until the moment that the symphony, a concerto, or a sonata is played, it only exists as an idea which has been expressed as a pattern on a piece of paper. The music is not there yet.
The same can be said of other creative arts, wherein the artists does little more than to bring out and put on paper or linen, or uncover from a block of stone an idea that dwelled within his or her higher consciousness, waiting to be uncovered. Waiting to be brought out into the physical reality.
Great mathematicians, which group in the past included philosophers, see reality as patterns. They see the interdependence and inter-relationship of one thing to another. The greatest achievement of Einstein were not his equations, but his ability to perceive the reality as making mathematical sense. Where he erred was in attempting to stabilize the creative process, forgetting that the process itself is endless. Hence probability rather than inevitability.
Finally we come to regarding reality as an idea. In the eyes of an advanced observer, an idea is always perfect. Later, the execution of such an idea suffers from inadequacies of our abilities. Hence, we need evolution to assure that the ideas will continually better developed until, to paraphrase the Lord’s Prayer, “the idea of the observer will be as perfect on earth as it is in heaven”.
Should we be able to maintain the perfection of an idea through the all phases of the creative process, and anchor it in the subconscious, such would be manifested in the physical reality. Hence, the “spontaneous” cures. Yet let us remember that the instant the perfect idea becomes manifest in the dualistic reality it suffers from gradual degradation.
What some of the great mystics succeeded in was not in changing our physical reality, but in perceiving the truth behind it, the original idea, which, through their inimitable conviction (some call it faith) they managed to manifest here and now. Those events we describe as miracles. In fact those events are what we should all strive for. Here and now.
Good luck.

My novel Peter and Paul attempts to illustrate what is involved within the human psyche to succeed in this endeavour. Try it. You might be among the few who succeed. 

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Friday 12 April 2013

The Transiency of Matter

Our physical life, transient, almost ephemeral though it may be, is still the most permanent expression of becoming we shall ever experience in an individualized form. Except for heaven, of course. But heaven being perfect, must, by definition remain in a perfect stasis. Being perfect it cannot be improved upon, nor can any change occur which might, in any way whatsoever impinge on that perfection. Heaven is One. Complete. Unchangeable.
Hence, individualization. Hence you and I, and countless trillions of intelligent beings throughout the universe. Sorry, throughout the Universes. Plural?
Thus, once we descend from the ‘ever-after’ or, if you prefer, the ‘ever-before’—infinity has neither beginning nor end—we enter the realm of transiency of patterns, emotions and matter.
“Will you love me when I am old and grey?” she asked.
“Of course I’ll love you when I am old and grey,” he replied. Alas, I shall not be old and grey forever.
Yet, if we consider that our ideas are often germinated in a split second, we see the patterns which they form in hours, perhaps days, we become enamoured with them for weeks, even months, then our grey hair seems to last almost forever. Or… it sometimes feels like it—a foretaste of eternity?
Yet heaven is static.
All exists in heaven, in the unconscious, in its always perfect, potential form. When ideas descend through individualization, they are even more fleeting in transit than in realization of having achieved physical form. Yes, we last longer in our bodies then in any stage that brought us here, to our physical manifestation.
Yet, there is a paradox here.
It is due to the fact that we only achieve complete separation from our origin when we become fully manifest in our bodies. On “the way down”, our eventual individualization is still a “work in progress”. And that is why our bodies, though seemingly ‘solid’, are continually replaced with new cell structures, our emotions often last for years, our philosophies for centuries, and the ideas on which they are based seem eternal. Down here, we continue to be “work in progress”.
It’s just as well that we’re immortal. Only now, we are beginning to see, in what form. Only one of them passes the test of eternity. Make sure you identify yourself with it. There are many heavens to which we can aspire, and once we learn about them, we can actually retain aspects of individuality in some lower stages of it. Yet, believe me, even the lowest stages are quite out of this world. They are like a dream in which everything goes right. In which we are gods.

In my novel Alexander, Book Two of the Alexander Trilogy, Dr. Alec Baldwin embarks on the search for such a reality. You might want to compare it to your own attempts. You might want to share you findings with others. 

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Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Necessity of Freedom

There is one very specific reason why the United States of America stresses the importance of freedom. To those few who are more advanced in the study of metaphysics, of the true reality, there is only one reason for that. Individual freedom is sine qua non for the discovery of one’s true nature.
It has little to do with the material standing of any particular citizen. Au contraire, as our French friends would say, who were almost the first to cry liberté, égalité, fraternité, with the accent of La liberté, What is often overlooked though, perhaps, even more important, is the statement in the “American Declaration of Independence” which demands freedom to “pursue happiness”.
Fewer still amongst us seem to realize that one cannot achieve this noble aim, of being truly happy, unless one discovers the noble purpose in one’s life.
Hence, liberty.
On a truly free person can realize, and then achieve, the uniqueness of one’s purpose. For no other reason does he or she need freedom. And only on achieving the realization of the reason for one’s life, can one achieve true happiness.
The founders of the “American Way” had been inspired to define the parameters necessary to achieve this purpose. The tragedy is that, more often than not, those “in charge”, be they civilian or sacerdotal, are not aware of the conditions indispensible for the achievement of one’s life’s purpose. They try to control people’s minds and even hearts. Liberty is a means, it is the expression of freewill, which can either be realized or forsaken in the pursuit of money, fame, and power, rather than happiness. And happiness can only be achieved, if we discover our raison d’être; if we discover the reason for having been born, for living, and ultimately for terminating our presence here.

Our purpose is to make this reality a better place. To enhance it with our presence here. To achieve happiness not just for ourselves, but also for others.

There are many ways to achieve this purpose. One is illustrated in my novel Marvin Clark—In Search of Freedom. At present, it is a free download on Amazon and Smashwords. Enjoy. Your journey may be different, but your purpose is the same: to achieve freedom, your self-realization. And then to share it with others.
Good luck. 

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Monday 8 April 2013

The Uniqueness of Purpose

I borrowed the subtitle of today’s blog from Robert Heinlein, the renowned author of Sci-Fi novels. The hero of my book, Sacha—The Way Back, Part Three of the Alexander Trilogy finds himself in similar circumstances. 
Most of us are born in a hospital, under caring eye of an obstetrician, ably assisted by a platoon of nurses. Sacha was no different yet, in spite of the normal surrounding he found at his birth, he couldn’t shake a nagging feeling that, somehow or rather, he’d been misplaced. While recognizing his environment with his senses, his inner self had no idea what he was doing in a human body.
Don’t we all have moments like that?
“What on Earth am I doing here?” question often crosses my mind. I don’t feel I belong here.
Or so it seems.
Of course, it is our job to discover our purpose. Yes, we all have a very specific purpose which, while not interfering with our real or imagined concept of free will, is intended to guide us to the fulfillment of the particular incarnation we’d entered under the watchful eye of the medical team.
The hero of my novel spends a lot of his time wondering about his purpose. He’s convinced that he’s been placed, here, on Earth, for a reason, but he’s much more preoccupied with finding his way back to wherever he came from. Hence the drama unfolding in the book. Poor Sacha, as that was his name, cannot even share his qualms with anybody, as his metal acrobatics would not make sense of a “normal” human being. Not even to his parents. Gradually he becomes aware of his purpose. And that is where his problems begin in earnest.

As you may have read in one of my essays, Purpose, essay #35 in the Beyond Religion I series, we all must discover who and what we are, in order to meet our obligations to… ourselves. We and only we decide when and why we are born. We and only we decide why. The discovery of the purpose is known as Self Realization. Only when that occurs, our real life begins. Until then… well, Buddha would have called us “still asleep”, and Yeshûa the “not yet born”, or just… “dead” as in “let the dear bury the dead”.
Welcome to the real world. 

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Saturday 6 April 2013

Again on Reincarnation

While we can only perform our daily tasks in full consciousness, we draw on previous experience to perform those tasks in a continually improving manner. To do so we must, at some level, compare them to stored memories. We cannot to so at a conscious level. There are trillions of electrochemical reactions in our brain, probably per second, to perform this function. Yet, this is only the beginning.
Some of us, the chosen few, can by entering a deep trance reach back to experiences of centuries ago, perhaps thousands of years, to advance our progress. As our potential is infinite, there is no end to this journey. We can be compared to indestructible computers with memories reaching back to the beginning of time.
Over countless millennia, we have assumed various forms, taken on various means, to advance on our journey. From a single-celled amoeba we have grown to inhabit a human body possessed of tens of trillions of cells, working in perfect unison with each other. No conscious brain could do this. Yet, by some means, misunderstood by many, we do so without being aware of the wonder that we are. Without being aware of the incredible construct that we inhabit.
J.B.S. Haldane, a British geneticist once said that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose. He was also an evolutionary biologist. I strongly suspect he referred to our body as his Universe.
We are tiny universes, or integral, inseparable individualized units reflecting this totality of Universes. The Universe of universes. Worlds without end…

Hence, reincarnations. No man, no woman, could hope to reach the understanding, to experience such enormity, in the span of a single biological life. We change bodies, adding to the storehouse of our memories the wonders that still lie before us to discover. Let us never forget, that we are all just passers-bye. In a way—we are nomads. There is no end to our journey. There is only the endlessly receding horizon waiting for us to be discovered.

In the Winston Trilogy I tried to explore the subject of our advancement. I know that I merely scratched the surface. In Winston’s Kingdom I show no more than our next step. The staircase goes on forever. 


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Thursday 4 April 2013

The Structure of Reality

We are individual units of consciousness. As such, we are inseparable from the Whole. That’s what individual means. However, we are only indivisible in a single perception of consciousness. The further we stray from this perception, the more separate we become.
Reality can be perceived as idea, as mental patterns, as emotional or imaginary constructs and, finally, as physical forms, such as most of us insist we are. Thus we, humans, perceives reality in terms of ideas, thoughts, emotions and senses.
The inspired scribes of various scriptures have struggled to convey these concepts to people of their day; alas, they lacked modern terminology to do so. Hence various religions made further attempts to interpret the findings of the few.
In fact, the fourfold nature of man (so frequently used in the Bible to illustrate reality) was never intended to be advanced as a religious idea. Such concepts were, and are, as close to science as any science could be. We must never forget that reality is only as real as the observer who experiences it. It is a construct of the said four facets of man. Whatever anyone considers himself or herself to be—that they are. No less, and no more. “I am the truth,” said Yeshûa, and the same holds for every one of us. We are the images of our perceptions. Yet, again, there are many that are called, and so few that are chosen. Although we all have the potential of becoming aware of the fourfold nature with which we are endowed, most prefer to rely on their senses. This includes the vast majority of men and women.
Considerably fewer people, many artists among them, use their imagination to construct the image of their reality. Then we come to the “thinkers” better known as philosophers or the lovers of wisdom. They often use their subconscious to discover their inner potential.
Finally come people for whom ideas are the only aspects of reality that are worthwhile. They often do not fully understand the consequences of the ideas that come to them, but they continue to strive. Their heads remain in the clouds, where reality is endless, superb, beautiful, eternal. They are the few, the very few, who bear witness to the Original Idea. When all is said and done, we are but ideas—individualizations of the Whole.

On the other hand, only those who practice all four facets of man can claim to have experienced the total reality. Only they can partake in the creative act of translating the original, perfect idea, all the way to physical manifestation. We are here not just to bathe in a blurred image of divinity but to unite with all aspects of revelation.

My book, Key to Immortality explains this further. You may find it interesting. You will most certainly marvel at your own infinite potential. 

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Tuesday 2 April 2013

More about Eve

Fundamentalists have and continue to do great harm to humanity. In their stubborn ignorance they advocate their facile interpretations of the words of wisdom hidden in various scriptures, only to confuse and bamboozle the masses, the “many that are called”, who rely on them for guidance. Only “the few” will see through their shenanigans.

The human body is an incredible construct. We reside, temporarily, in a superb biological robot that is so advanced that it is capable of generating its own marginal awareness. This rudimentary consciousness is the bi-product of the animal soul, which enables us to survive in, and experience,  physical environment.
This miniscule consciousness, however, must not be confused with the real consciousness, which was instrumental in evolving the complexity of our bodies and uses them for its own ends. This higher consciousness, if you will, is what separates the “many that are called” from the “few who are chosen” (by this higher consciousness) to rise above their physical limitations.
Eve, who is the biblical symbol for the subconscious, refers only to the “animal soul”, which nevertheless has an enormous storage of information carried, essentially, in its genetic code. Both, men and women are equipped with it, in equal measure. Yet, as the potential of using that knowledge is vastly greater than we are aware of, nature divided the male and female characteristics to complement each other, and to act as one when possible or necessary. Hence the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, which give men and women uses of both sides, but a predisposition of one or the other.
Nevertheless, while the predispositions differ, the total potential is equal. While such distinction predisposes men to conquer new grounds, it is the women who have the natural ability to consolidate that knowledge, to make sure that both, men and women can use it in equal measure. Had it not been for this feminine predisposition, men’s multiple conquests would have been lost to humanity. Both facets are equally as important for evolution, and we must always remember that both men and women are equipped to perform both tasks, they differ only in natural predispositions, not in the actual potential.

When ready, some of us manage to become aware of a higher entity that inspires us to do greater things. My patron saint, Stanislaw Kostka, is said to have said: “ad majora natus sum”. “For greater things am I born”. This is not a statement of pride or superiority but of awareness of a higher calling. All too often we must sublimate our “animal soul”, our ego or natural predispositions, to “rise to the occasion”, in order to perform acts which are impossible for the ‘many’. There is ample evidence that only few are adept at using both predispositions equally. Let us never forget that the word holy comes from “whole”, or complete.

To learn more about ancient knowledge, try my Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism. It will help you raise the veil surrounding mysteries acquired by humanity over thousands of years.

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