Friday 7 March 2014

The Mystery of Dualism

It took us almost three days to get here, to Naples, in South Florida. There was one particular thing that struck me. The landscaping on most of the highways in the Good Old US of A displayed more beauty, indeed more love and affection towards nature, than I saw in most of the parks I visited in Canada.
For most of the way, it seemed like heaven on earth.
And yet there is a mystery to our phenomenal reality. It is built and sustained only on and by the state of balance. Every beauty is balanced by its absence, every achievement by apparent failure. It seems unfair yet…
Such is the reality of those who choose to live in a world that is perceived by senses. Nothing can be bitter unless it is related to sweetness. Nothing is tall unless compared to short, nothing good unless there is some bad to juxtapose it with a gentle touch of karma. The consolation is that there is no evil without some good hidden behind it vacant face, yet nothing is so good and not exhibiting some weakness as compared to what it could be.
We live in a world of contrasts, of opposing forces, or judgmental dictates of our senses. Indeed, we should not judge as the truth is usually hidden.

This apparent discomfort of duality permeates all walks of life, all fields of endeavour, all professions, trades, aspirations of individual people. This has been known for thousands of years. Two millennia ago a man called Yeshûa said, “Don’t call me good, only my father is good and he is in heaven.” If a man, whom many recognize as Son of God, had said that, how can we assign such a quality to anything in our reality? We can all put our own interpretation on Yeshûa’s words, though the essence of the statement is evident. One cannot be only good or only bad in a reality that is characterized by inherent duality. Without even a nominal balance, the duality would collapse upon itself. A state of balance, alone, can give us an impression of goodness.
The Middle Path.
The Straight and Narrow.
Yes, the inherent sate of balance. That’s what divinity is all about. Men of great power are almost invariably balanced by an equal and opposite condition of corruption. Unless they are filled with compassion. After all, the opposite of power is love. Without love to balance power, corruption is bound to set in.
Sadly, only non-physical reality can be incorruptible. Only that which is not of flesh and bones. The consolation is that we are all, here, on Earth, no more than passers by.
Whatever we perceive by our senses is obscured by delusions. In fact, we must often close our eyes to see more clearly. I discussed the inevitable dilemmas in a little book offered below. I also try to show how we can remove the veil of illusion from our eyes. Let me know what you think. 

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