Monday 12 May 2014

Semblance of Truth—Pursuit of Happiness

My family originates from Poland, from that unfortunate location, in Europe, which my forefathers had chosen to abide between Russia and Germany, the two countries not known for their particularly pacifistic convictions. History offers ample evidence that the choice of the location was not wise. It’s like being between the rock and the hard place. Still, my forefathers and subsequent generations, survived.
Nevertheless, there is a reality, obvious to everyone with the exception of the few abiding in Washington DC, which they, the Washingtonians, seem completely unable to understand. There is one country that suffered more under the Soviet occupation than the country of my origin. With exception of senior party members, (as are the senators and members of parliament in the West today), the most oppressed, and oppressed for the longest time, were the Russian people themselves.
And now, after they finally liberated themselves from long history of autocratic Tsars, then the demagogical First Secretaries of the Communist Party, they began the long journey towards individual freedoms.
And Washingtonians, rather then help them, they, in abject fear of economical let alone military competition, impose reputedly ineffective sanctions, which make sense only to people obsessed with greed and the pursuit of more money and/or power.

I am NOT a politician. After all, a politician is a man/women who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you are looking forward to the trip. I don’t believe in hell—except for hell of your own making. Except for hell in which you imagine that the whole world is against you; that you must dominate the world or die; that you have the sole monopoly on truth, even the worldly, dualistic sort of truth.
That, indeed, would be hell.
This is not what Thomas Jefferson had in mind when he asserted individual right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. He did not limit this illustrious trio of rights only to the American people. “We, the People,” were to serve as a shining example for whole world to emulate.  Perhaps to reach their own similar aspirations. Not to impose their, by now heavily distorted, ideas on others by military might. Such behaviour is no longer acceptable even in Russia. Perhaps we should help those in Washington, to remember their original dream? And help those in Russia in their pursuits and in the fulfillment of their dreams?
I love the principles on which the American Dream was built. I hope everyone will work to preserve it—even those in Washington.

There is more on the subject in my collection of essays, Beyond Religion III. You’ll find it in Essay #50, Manipulators. You might find other essays interesting, too.

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