Thursday 14 August 2014

On Morals versus Ethics

People who are moral behave in a fashion that does not offend others. Who act according the standards that are expected of them. If he or she doesn’t steal, or get drunk, or rape girls or boys, or eat like a pig in public, or kill, or generally behave in a manner that would result in a public scandal, they are considered of good moral standing.
Conversely, if you commit any of the above deeds in public, in public view, you are looked upon as one that is amoral if not immoral.
Likewise, a good communist regards other communists as moral, while a good capitalist thinks likewise of other good capitalists.
At one time, members of Hitlerjugend, or Hitler Youths, would only be considered of good moral character if they behaved according to the Hitlerjugend moral code, that of hating everyone who was not thinking along their lines. I rather think the same can be said of groups belonging to various religions, political movements, or even parties. Uber alles for some is Super Race for others, which fully justifies them dropping bombs from 30,000 feet on men, women and children in Iraq, or Eastern Ukraine, the Gaza Strip or a number of other, inferior groups of people. These are considered moral things to do. In fact, their leaders, or Führers, or Presidents or Prime Ministers, all highly moral folks, pin medals on the chests of their heroes for being good killers. All impeccable, moral people.

And then there are people who are not guided by morality, by desire not to injure the sensibilities of their neighbour. They are people who do not aspire to keep up with the Joneses. Instead they conform to a code of ethics. They may be rich or poor, well educated or not… from “upper classes” or from the wrong side of the tracks.
Yet they all recognize each other. They conduct themselves not by the letter but by the spirit of the code of ethics. They may be Christians, or Moslem, or Hindu or, yes, even proclaimed atheists, but they behave according the dictates of their conscience regardless what others say.
These are the Few.
The moral folk are the Many. And until the Many will discover the quiet voice within, they will remain the moral majority, criticizing others who do not confirm and behave according to their moral code. Whatever it might be.
The Few swim against the current—but at least they move forward, while the Many walk in circles, treading the Wheel of Awagawan.

Below a story of one man who refused to conform. By the standards of his day, he was very immoral. He was a rebel. Today, some would call him a terrorist. I wonder what you think about his journey.  

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