Monday 21 August 2017

Witchcraft? Magic? Or a Gift of God?

The omnipresent Energy, endowed with creative potential and all qualities necessary to envision countless Universes, we, for the want of a better word, call God. This Omnipresent Amorphous Energy is the theoretical aspect of the Universes. Its infinite rate of vibration is differentiated into countless transient rates, in attempt to convert the theoretical into practical ideas.

Potential is theoretical, Manifestations is practical.
They are the substance of Being prior to Becoming.

Phenomenal Universe/Reality is an Eternal Laboratory.

They are the two aspects of the same coin. The edge is the straight and narrow, the Even Horizon. It is also called Life. Hence, by definition, Life is also omnipresent, inherent in the nature of both, Potential and Manifested Universes. We have the means of converting the Potential into the Practical. Some of us, the Chosen Few, do so at conscious level. Others, the Many, are often unwilling to explore their means.

Trying to concentrate or ‘shrink’ the totality of the Amorphous Creative Energy into a single entity or being, is as ludicrous as attempting to give “It, Him, or Her” human features. It is Its very omnipresence that fills the Universe we perceive with enchantment.
This Amorphous Energy creates order and harmony, the kinetic balance, the equilibrium that can sustain the transient phenomenal Universes for billions of years. It is the Consciousness that fosters wonder and beauty that begins among the stars and ends in the invisible, seemingly insignificant structure of subatomic particles… It is all the same Energy, the same Creative Force, that fills us with wondrous euphoria of creation.
This infinite Potential seems to harbor the need to perceive Itself, even if for a minute fraction of Eternity, in nature, in flowers, trees, mountains and clouds, in undulating waves of lustrous oceans.
In us.
We, the chosen few, we who decide to be chosen, have learned the art of sublimating our egos to become inseparable parts of this indestructible Amorphous Energy of the Creative Potential, which now and then uses us for Its purposes. For this reason we, our fourfold nature, has developed unto the image and likeness of the universe in which the Potential and the Manifestation, the Being and Becoming coexist in inseparable union of Immortality and Life.

And yet…
And yet with the present phenomenal Universe having began more than 13 billion years ago, life  must have been instilled in entities long, long ago… born of TAO a dozen billions years ago? Assuming there is evolutions, wouldn’t such entities qualify, by now, after a few billion reincarnations, to be gods of various planets, solar systems, galaxies, or even Universes of which Multiverse consists?
Amorphous Energy personified?
There must be countless gods walking countless planets in countless universes, all part of a single Whole, wherein the Infinite Potential is eternally striving to live in perfect harmony in eternal becoming.
This is also our potential. Our destiny. 

Such progress is suggested in my Winston Trilogy. Winston shows us the way. Some of us will follow him.

Completer Collection of 3 books

Coming soon

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