Monday 13 November 2017

AWAKENING — Illusory Reality

Here, on Earth, in the illusory reality, when an idea crosses our mind, unless we follow it up with a number of steps including mental analysis, emotional involvement,  and physical action, the idea is unlikely to manifest in the phenomenal reality.
To become ‘real’.
Higher up, in realities defined by higher rates of vibrations, the effect is more immediate. There are infinite stages in-between but, ultimately, at the Source of all Universes, ideas are the only reality. They are the potential from which all Universes become manifest. They are the theories which we, and all sentient beings, must endeavour to make tangible.
This alone makes us gods. The magicians. The creators of tangible illusion of harmony, order, and beauty.
Why illusion?
Because all is energy. Only our individualized consciousness gives it reality.
Some-when, in the murky, hoary past, someone immensely more evolved, more advanced than we are, thought of a rose—a thing of beauty and delight. His creative thoughts gave the idea of a rose substance. Now, we enjoy it. We are the beneficiaries of the past. Now it’s our turn to lay foundations for such creative acts.

Here, on Earth, we are attending a kindergarten of all realities of conscious life. In Eden, we experienced becoming only in a reactive mode. We had little choice. We were the created, not the creators. Then Eve gave Adam an apple.
The rest is history.
Are we doing a good job of our creative impulse?
Perhaps we should continue to remain in a reactive mode. Like all wonderful animals. At least we would not endanger our beautiful planet.
But we can dream…
In dreams, we do not bear the consequences of our mistakes. It is like being in heaven. We still make mistakes, but we have the power to quickly dismiss them. In deep meditative state we can experience countless realities. (Remember Paul’s 3rd heaven?) And yet they are all here, now. They are within our reach. They are just states of consciousness. 

Power means only one thing. The ability to alter, hence create new reality. It applies to all aspects of creative endeavour. This alone makes us ‘gods’. We can wield it for the good or the bad of humanity, fauna, and flora. We can destroy our planet by extreme pollution, nuclear discharges, bacterial proliferation.
We can also create a new Eden.
We really are gods.

People who’d never experienced ‘heaven’ think of it as an eternal resting place. Such a horrible idea fills me with dread. It is equivalent to eternal boredom.
Gods don’t get bored. You sure you want to go to ‘heaven’? 

Book Three of the Avatar Trilogy

Paperbacks are on Amazon

1 comment:

  1. In case I haven't made it clear. Both, Heaven and Hell are states of consciousness. You create them within you. That's what Yeshûa did. Do you really think you can do better?
