Monday 11 December 2017


Life is a strange paradox. Purportedly, a Great, Infinitely Benevolent Being is looking after us all, yet… bad things happen.
Fancy that!
It turns out that all the unpleasant, taxing, or downright horrible things that happened in my life, often a number of years ago, turned out to have been for my own good. Some were details of everyday life, some more serious affairs, requiring years to prove their efficacy. But all of them, all the events, the trials or tribulations, invariably turned out for my benefit.
Eventually, it came to me that, as we are the instruments through which the Creative Energy finds Its manifestation, it stands to reason that It would seek to form the best possible means for self-expression.
One might think, sardonically, that the Universal Source is the epitome of selfishness. As I equate the Universal Source with what others call (and worship as) God, this puts me at odds with all religions.
Particularly because of one thing.
My “God” recognizes neither good nor evil. The only thing that counts is the ability and opportunity to advance the diversity of Creation. The stasis of Being (the Potential) cares only about the dynamic of Becoming.
All else are just the means.
Becoming does, however, contribute to the totality of what we can experience in our personal ‘heavens’, i.e. periods between reincarnations.
All past is stored in the Subconscious.
Be it Heaven or Hell.
Ah yes…
We do create our own Heavens or Hells!
And all other states of consciousness. Though those, too, are transient. Only the Amorphous Creative Energy in indestructible.

So why Secular Ethics?
Nature seems to have reached its exorbitant if prodigious redundancy with human semen. An average ejaculation furnishes about 250 million sperm. A single  one suffices to impregnate an egg.
But there, the overindulgence of nature, of the prolific excess, ends abruptly. The moment the egg is impregnated, the Creative Energy sets about producing a biological robot equipped with artificial intelligence sufficient to fulfill Its purpose.
And this is the punch line.
Every single one of us is given a unique body best suited to fulfill a specific task while occupying it. The body is tailor made, assuring physical, emotional, and mental uniqueness.
Among the 7.5 billion people on earth, that are no two of us alike. Even twins vary considerably.
Hence, we all must make sure that we discover our purpose, our dharma. Until we do, we shall continue to waste our superb, absolutely unique biological structures, designed to perform the task or tasks, which are indispensible to create diversity, and/or maintain or restore the state of equilibrium in the Universe. The moment of awareness is called Self-Realization. Some call it ‘awakening’*, others, ‘coming alive’*.
This is when our real life begins.
Nature (the totality of manifestation so far) itself takes care of most of diversity, of incredible profusion of new challenges. We are the gate keepers.
There is no “good or evil” involved. There is only a state of perfect balance.
Aren’t we lucky? 

Volumes 1 - 4
In Search of Secular Ethics

1 comment:

  1. *Buddha’s nirvana is achieved by ego and Self becoming One.
    *Yeshûa’s “being born again” is becoming aware of the same thing. (“I and my father are One”).
    *Only then we can (but don’t have to) terminate our reincarnations by erasing our identity (ego) and merging with the Amorphous Creative Energy.
