Monday 9 April 2018

PETER & PAUL - The reality of illusion.

When you’re immortal, your Being exists only in the eternal Now. It stretches in both directions into infinity. Your Becoming, on the other hand, is illusory.
 Nothing is set in stone.
Everything manifested i.e. observable, is transient, ephemeral, unreal, as though accruing in a dream, which, in a way, it is. A deep, deep sleep.
We only think we’re awake, and for us, whatever we ‘think’ becomes real. For a while. A very short while. Yet, it does seem real to us. After all, we have science to prove it!
Except that scientific theories come and go. Even Universal Laws get expounded upon - they take on a new meaning. Reality - though its potential always was and remains infinite - its manifestations never ceases to take on new forms, new expression, new opportunities for the Infinite Potential to experience new Becoming.
That’s the problem with infinity.
The truth doesn’t change, but it expands. Like the Universe. Or Multiverse. No matter how many realities they contain. Absorb. Metamorphose.

And evolution?
Well, this also expands. Not our bodies, those grow weaker. They collapse. Not even our minds - we hardly use those at all; but, and this is precisely the point, it is our ability to use our equipment that grows, not the equipment itself.
The equipment, namely all instrumentation to convert potential into manifestation already exists within us in… in potential form.
Hence, immortality.
It goes on and on. In fact, it never ends.
Only our egos give up. We continue forever.

And this is where Peter and Paul differed. Peter knew he was immortal. He witnessed his Master rising from the grave, and assuming a new phenomenal body imitating his previous physique (it’s easier than building a fresh one from higher vibrations). He knew that his physical body was but an illusion, to be shed in a few years.
Paul didn’t know that.
At least, not until the very end.
Paul thought he must build a church to follow his image of what Peter’s Master was teaching. A sort of Kingdom. Only Paul was trying to build it on Earth. OF brick and mortar. And marble. And all things transient. An illusory kingdom in an illusory reality.
He didn’t learn the truth until the very end.
Click here and find out how. 

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